Terrence Howard has joined Viola Davis, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Hugh Jackman and Melissa Leo in Dennis Villeneuve’s thriller Prisoner. The story (from a script penned by Aaron Guzikowski – Contraband), centers on a “small-town carpenter named Keller (Jackman) whose young daughter and her best friend are kidnapped. After the cops fail to find them, Keller takes the law into his own hands, but in the process runs up against Detective Loki (Gyllenhaal), a hot-shot cop with confidence to burn.” No word on what roles Terrence Howard and Viola Davis will be playing in this.The Oscar-nominated Villeneuve’s last work was the critically acclaimed Incendies, so it looks like both actors are in very good company, in terms of the other actors involved, and in good hands, in terms of who’s directing.